BIOGEOnet is a taxonomic and biogeographic database of every living beings, developped on the behalf of the Vegetal Taxonomy and Conservation Biology Unit of the University of... -
AxIOM: Amphipod crustaceans from insular Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows
AxIOM is a sample-based dataset (n = 187 samples) documenting occurrences of amphipod crustaceans associated to Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows from Mediterranean Islands... -
N2000-Alien plants along river banks
Protected areas and the Natura 2000 network are keystones of the EU nature and biodiversity policy. However, alien plants do not stop their spread at the border of protected... -
Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity(AMBIO) samples
This dataset describe sampling events for the BelSPO project Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity (AMBIO) project which aims to determine the microbial diversity in Antarctic... -
On the use of high-throughput sequencing for the study of cyanobacterial dive...
DNA Derived occurrences from this paper: Pessi, I.S., Maalouf, P.D.C., Laughinghouse, H.D., IV, Baurain, D. and Wilmotte, A. (2016), On the use of high-throughput sequencing for...
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