Participatory inventory of the Himalayan balsam within the Dyle basin since 2008
"Participatory inventory of the Himalayan balsam within the Dyle basin since 2008" is an occurrence-only dataset serving as an assessment of the invasion on the rivers of the... -
VMM - Inland water macrophyte occurrences in Flanders, Belgium
The VMM - Inland water macrophyte occurrences in Flanders, Belgium is a sampling event dataset published by the Flanders Environment Agency (VMM). The dataset originates from... -
Explore Your Shore
Marine Species Records submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre’s Citizen Science Portal from 01/01/2019 onwards -
VMM - Rat control occurrences in Flanders, Belgium
The "VMM - Rat control occurrences in Flanders, Belgium" dataset is an occurrence dataset published by Flanders Environment Agency (VMM). The dataset is assembled by the VMM to... -
Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity(AMBIO) samples
This dataset describe sampling events for the BelSPO project Antarctic Microbial Biodiversity (AMBIO) project which aims to determine the microbial diversity in Antarctic... -
On the use of high-throughput sequencing for the study of cyanobacterial dive...
DNA Derived occurrences from this paper: Pessi, I.S., Maalouf, P.D.C., Laughinghouse, H.D., IV, Baurain, D. and Wilmotte, A. (2016), On the use of high-throughput sequencing for... -
DEMNA-DNE : Early warning system on Introduced Species in Wallonia
Early warning system on Introduced Species in Wallonia is a presence-only dataset aimed to deliver in real time the occurrence records of introduced species within Wallonia.... -
Monitoring of invasive alien species by the Province East Flanders, Belgium
Monitoring of invasive alien species by the Province East Flanders, Belgium dataset is an occurrence dataset published by the Province East Flanders (Belgium). The dataset is... -
Medetera species with multi-coloured eyes in southern Europe
This dataset hold the records of 7 new soil-dwelling Medetera species with multi-coloured eyes in southern Europe. The records are associated and extensively described in Pollet... -
Monitoring of invasive alien crayfishes in the Flemish part of the LIFE RIPAR...
The Monitoring of invasive alien crayfishes in the Flemish part of the LIFE RIPARIAS areas is an event dataset published by Agency for nature and forests (Flemish government,... -
Monitoring of fishes and crustaceans by Province East Flanders in Flanders, B...
The Monitoring of fishes and crustaceans by Province East Flanders in Flanders, Belgium is an sampling event dataset published by the Province East Flanders (Belgium). The data... -
Monitoring of invasive alien plants in the LIFE RIPARIAS areas in Flanders, B...
The Monitoring of invasive alien plants in the LIFE RIPARIAS areas in Flanders, Belgium is a sampling event dataset generated by Landmax (https://landmax.be) and published by... -
Waarnemingen.be / observations.be - List of species observed in Belgium
Waarnemingen.be / observations.be - List of species observed in Belgium is a species checklist dataset published by Natuurpunt and Natagora. Waarnemingen.be (in Dutch) and... -
Type locality distributions from the World Register of Marine Species
Extraction of type locality information from the World Register of Marine Species. -
European Seabirds At Sea (ESAS)
European Seabirds At Sea (ESAS) assembles offshore monitoring data on seabirds and marine mammals. This international database mostly includes data from the North Sea, yet large... -
Arachnofauna diversity observed during the "Objective 1000" inventory project...
This checklist dataset encompasses Arachnofauna species observed during the 'objective 1000' project, in which the entomofauna of the Jean Massart Botanical Garden was studied.... -
Plankton community in WP2 net (200µm), Point B, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France
This series is part of the long term planktonic monitoring of Villefranche-sur-mer, which is one of the oldest and richest in the world. It aims at describing the dynamics of... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected wor...
Tara expeditions (2009-2013) sampled the world’s oceans with standardized protocols, putting an exceptional effort into sampling plankton diversity across a large size range,... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected wor...
Tara expeditions sampled the world’s oceans with standardized protocols, putting an exceptional effort into sampling plankton diversity across a large size range, using a... -
Plankton community in WP2 net (200µm), PNMIR cruises, Parc Naturel Marin d'Ir...
The PNMIR cruises sample zooplankton (and other variables) regularly within the Marine Protected Area "Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise", under the supervision of the Office...
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