RBINS Reptile collection
The RBINS holds more 45,000 reptilian specimens, and type material for 183 species. The majority of the specimens were collected by Gaston-François de Witte during his missions... -
RBINS Echinodermata collection
The RBINS is known for its rich echinoderm collections. The Institute has a particularly rich collection of sea cucumbers, with material from all over the world and many type... -
RBINS Rotifera collection
The RBINS has an important, world-renowned collection, containing Belgian species as well as species from more exotic locations, such as Southeast Asia. -
RBINS Crustacea collection
The RBINS has a rich collection of crustaceans. Within the class Malacostraca, we have large collections of decapods (crabs, shrimps, etc.), Euphausiacea (krill), Amphipoda... -
RBINS Bryozoa collection
The RBINS has important material from the North Sea, including historical collections and recent material, as well as material from freshwater habitats. A lot of material was... -
Moths observed during the "Objective 1000" inventory project at the Botanical...
This dataset comes from the 'objective 1000' project, in which the entomofauna of the Jean Massart Botanical Garden was studied during the period 2015-2021. The aim of this... -
Arachnofauna diversity observed during the "Objective 1000" inventory project...
This checklist dataset encompasses Arachnofauna species observed during the 'objective 1000' project, in which the entomofauna of the Jean Massart Botanical Garden was studied....
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