Active meso- and meiofauna in the nature reserve "Het Zwin" (Knokke) in 1969
Overview of all species (spiders, insects, zoo-and phytoplankton) captured and collected in "Het Zwin" during a 5 day training session in the field. The data were digitized by... -
Phytoplankton studies in the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic Ocean betwe...
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of phytoplankton species found between 1968-1970 in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic Ocean. The data were digitized in the frame of the... -
Type locality records of Polycystididae species in the world
Overview of world wide locations where the type specimens originally were captured, collected or observed. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Schockaert,... -
Vegetation and ecology of tidal marshes in the Zwin (Knokke-Heist, West-Vlaan...
Overview of vegetation and associated soil physicochemical properties in the Zwin. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Van den Balck, E. (1994).... -
Vertical distribution of the free-living Plathelminthes (Turbellaria) from th...
Density and biomass of meiofauna for 6 sandy beaches (Knokke, Mariakerke, Oostende, Heist, Bredene, Zwin) along the Belgian coast sampled between April 1985 and May 1986. The... -
DEMNA-DNE : Freshwater mussels occurrences in Wallonia
Freshwater mussels occurrences in Wallonia is a presence-only occurrence dataset dedicated to mussels observations (Unio crassus, U. pictorum, U. tumidus, Anadonta anatina, A.... -
Belgian Marine Mammals database
This database contains all the Belgian observations and strandings contained in the Belgian Marine Mammals database, which can be accessed on www.marinemammals.be. -
Advanced Modelling & Research on Eutrophication & the Structure of coastal pl...
The AMORE project contributes to the implementation of an integrated land-coastal zone research methodology to assess and predict the eutrophication level of the coastal North... -
Advanced modelling and research on eutrophication linking eutrophication and ...
The AMORE-II research focused on establishing quantitative and qualitative links between nutrient enrichment, spreading of high-biomass algal blooms (Phaeocystis globosa but... -
Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosys...
AMORE III addresses the dual control of changing human activity and climate on eutrophication in the Belgian coastal zone and the feedback effect on goods (newly-deployed... -
Dynamics of coastal eutrophicated ecosystems. (IPMS-PHAEO)
The IPMS-PHAEO monitoring programme included weekly measurements at reference station 330_a of major inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton (diatoms and Phaeocystis)... -
Macrobenthos and Phytoplankton monitoring in the Belgian coastal zone in the ...
This dataset is the result of the monitoring performed with regards to the European Water Framework Directive for the coastal areas (1 mile zone). The following data is... -
Monitoring of the effects of Belgian wind mill parks on benthic macro-inverte...
This dataset has been created to establish the reference situation of benthic macro-invertebrates (macro-, endobenthos en macro-epibenthos) and demersal fish in the Belgian... -
RBINS Brachiopoda collection
The RBINS does not have many extant brachiopods, although the collection continues to grow through focused purchases and recent donations. -
RBINS Mammal collection
The RBINS mammal collection contains 63,000 specimens and includes significant osteological material (bones and skeletons). The best represented groups are bats, rodents,... -
RBINS Fish collection
The RBINS fish collection consists of more than 265,000 specimens. Oceanographer Gustave Gilson (director of the RBINS in 1909) started the collection during his study of the... -
RBINS Bird collection
The RBINS bird collection is made up of around 132,000 specimens. It includes a significant collection of skeletons and eggs as well as type material for 123 species. It is one... -
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Belgian Marine Invertebrates coll...
The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Belgian Marine Invertebrates collection contains 130 digitised specimens of 21 taxa. The following classes are included: Bivalvia... -
RBINS Cnidaria collection
The RBINS holds a very important collection of Cnidaria. Dr. E. Leloup from the RBINS and Prof. Dr. Bouillon from the Université Libre de Bruxelles collected non-Siphonophoran... -
RBINS marine Chelicerata collection
The RBINS has specimens of three species of horseshoe crab. The sea spiders in our collection come mainly from Antarctica.
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