Ghent university - Zoology Museum - Nematod Collection

The Ghent University Zoological museum holds a scientific collection of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens and a collection of anatomic preparates. The museum dates from 1817 and the original idea was to curate a didactic collection for educational purposes. Ghent University Zoology Museum curates a nematode type collection of over 4000 slides. Up till now, 3000+ slides are inventoried digitally. The collection contains a substantial amount of holotypes and paratypes. A revision of the collection is needed.

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Laatst gewijzigd augustus 20, 2024, 13:30 (UTC)
Gecreëerd augustus 20, 2024, 13:30 (UTC)
Dataset type OCCURRENCE
Source DarwinCore Archive
GBIF UUID b24d3bd0-e6d9-11dc-8b77-b8a03c50a862
Administrative contact Dominick Verschelde - Museum Curator
Metadata author Dimitri Brosens -