Arachnofauna diversity observed during the "Objective 1000" inventory project at the Jean Massart Botanical Garden (Auderghem, Brussels Capital Region)

This checklist dataset encompasses Arachnofauna species observed during the 'objective 1000' project, in which the entomofauna of the Jean Massart Botanical Garden was studied. First entomological prospectings started in 2013-2014 led by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS). The richness of the species led to a collective enthusiasm that allowed the implementation of the 'objective 1000' project with the collaboration of Brussels Environment (2015-2021). Please feel free to get in touch with us if you have any question or remark regarding the objective 1000 project or this dataset content.

Data and Resources

View the dataset on GBIF website.

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 20, 2024, 13:26 (UTC)
Created August 20, 2024, 13:26 (UTC)
Dataset type CHECKLIST
Source DarwinCore Archive
GBIF UUID 2ee4449d-893e-4d64-a085-441e17a809df
Administrative contact Arnaud Henrard - Arachnologist -
Metadata author Arnaud Henrard - Arachnologist -