Observation of the cultivation of oyster larvae in the Spuikom Oostende in 1964

Measurements of the number of larvae oyster and the water temperature in the Spuikom Ostend in 1964. Surface water samples (100L) were taken regularly and plankton samples were taken using a planktonnet to calculate the number of Ostrea larves. The measurements within this dataset were digitized by VLIZ from the publication: Polk, P. (1965). Observations sur l'éclosion de larves d'huîtres dans le bassin de chasse d'Ostende Council Meeting - International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, CM 1965(15) ICES: Copenhagen. 4 pp

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Laatst gewijzigd augustus 20, 2024, 13:27 (UTC)
Gecreëerd augustus 20, 2024, 13:27 (UTC)
Source DarwinCore Archive https://ipt.vliz.be/eurobis/archive.do?r=observation_of_the_cultivation_of_oyster_larvae_in_the_spuikom_oostende_in_1964
GBIF UUID 1ab23379-893c-4cb8-ad58-8f0846ecf6cb