N3 data of Kiel bay

Long term monitoring of all invertebrate species of station N3 in Kiel Bay in the Western Baltic was performed from between 1986 ad 2004.

Dataset metrics

Occurrences map

Data en bronnen

View the dataset on GBIF website.

Extra Informatie

Veld Waarde
Bron http://www.gbif.org/dataset/6d437ff3-5140-4de3-ad97-80016181760a
Laatst gewijzigd augustus 20, 2024, 13:27 (UTC)
Gecreëerd augustus 20, 2024, 13:27 (UTC)
Dataset type OCCURRENCE
Source DarwinCore Archive https://ipt.vliz.be/eurobis/archive.do?r=n3data
GBIF UUID 6d437ff3-5140-4de3-ad97-80016181760a
Administrative contact Dirk Fleischer