Vertical distribution of the free-living Plathelminthes (Turbellaria) from th...
Density and biomass of meiofauna for 6 sandy beaches (Knokke, Mariakerke, Oostende, Heist, Bredene, Zwin) along the Belgian coast sampled between April 1985 and May 1986. The... -
Advanced Modelling & Research on Eutrophication & the Structure of coastal pl...
The AMORE project contributes to the implementation of an integrated land-coastal zone research methodology to assess and predict the eutrophication level of the coastal North... -
Advanced modelling and research on eutrophication linking eutrophication and ...
The AMORE-II research focused on establishing quantitative and qualitative links between nutrient enrichment, spreading of high-biomass algal blooms (Phaeocystis globosa but... -
Combined Effect of Changing Hydroclimate and Human Activity on Coastal Ecosys...
AMORE III addresses the dual control of changing human activity and climate on eutrophication in the Belgian coastal zone and the feedback effect on goods (newly-deployed... -
Dynamics of coastal eutrophicated ecosystems. (IPMS-PHAEO)
The IPMS-PHAEO monitoring programme included weekly measurements at reference station 330_a of major inorganic nutrients, chlorophyll-a, phytoplankton (diatoms and Phaeocystis)... -
Distribution of Macroalgae in the area of Calvi (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea)
This dataset describes the occurrences of 19 species of macroalgae along standardized transects in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica). This dataset was based on 2 different campaigns... -
Mapping the wild ectomycorrhizal fungi of Meise Botanic Garden from 2006 to 2012
Between 2006 and 2012 the ectomycorrhizal Fungi of Meise Botanic Garden were surveyed by monitoring species rich sites. By recording the precise location of the fruiting bodies... -
VIS - Non-native fish in Flanders, Belgium
Non-native Fish in Flanders, Belgium is a sampling event dataset published by the Research Institute of Nature and Forest (INBO). It is part of the VIS database in which data... -
FASFC - Exotic vector and pathogen surveillance programme in Belgium - ticks
FAVV - Exotic vector and pathogen surveillance programme in Belgium - ticks is a sampling event dataset published by the Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp. It is part of... -
FASFC - Exotic vector and pathogen surveillance programme in Belgium - Mosqui...
FASFC - Exotic vector and pathogen surveillance programme - Mosquitoes & Culicoides in Belgium is a sampling event dataset published by the Institute of Tropical Medicine... -
Phytoplankton monitoring RADIALES - Section off Gijón (N Spain, Cantabrian Se...
Monthly time series of phytoplankton species abundance, integrated in the water column at a fixed oceanographic station off Gijón (NW Spain) -
Nematodes from the Goban Spur (OMEX) - 1994
Data were collected as part of the Ocean Margin Exchange (OMEX) project of the EU. The general aim was to compare the densities, biomass and mean individual weight from... -
Length/Width and biomass of nematodes from sandbanks on the Belgian Continent...
Firstly, one wanted to analyse the response of nematode biomass spectra (NBS) to three distinct stressors upon the sediment habitat and secondly, analysing the NBS in different... -
TROPHOS/PODO-I work-database I (23/01/2004): Meiobenthos from station 330 - s...
The principle aim of this research was to investigate the morphometry of nematode communities as triggered by a phytoplankton spring bloom deposition in a well oxygenated North... -
N3 data of Kiel bay
Long term monitoring of all invertebrate species of station N3 in Kiel Bay in the Western Baltic was performed from between 1986 ad 2004. -
Norfish: Danish Kattegat herring fishery, 1520-1899
NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish... -
Norfish: Danish Limfjord herring fishery, 1518-1835
NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish... -
Norfish: Danish Sound herring fishery, 1368-1790
NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish... -
Norfish: Dutch herring fishery, 1512-1790
NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish... -
Norfish: Dutch-Icelandic cod fishery, 1520-1852
NorFish is a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant led by Prof Poul Holm in Trinity College Dublin, focuses on the premise that a 16th century shift in marine fish...
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